Adventure Across The Green Ocean!


On the 21st of September we travelled to the Maritime Museum to learn about immigration to New Zealand, different Maritime boats and Etc. 

Me and the POD had the best time and we got to even fire a cannon into the ocean. We learned about how Maori navigated towards New Zealand and we even played a navigational game. 

The best part of the trip was sailing the Ted Ashby, we got to sail it across the ocean and even under a bridge! We also saw people bungy jumping and we waved to them and we got a wave back. The best part of the sailing was when a wave hit us and the boat went up and down.   

  Here are some Photos of our sailing 

What do you know about Climate Change?

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Amorangi & Millie Ponder 10 – The Review

Nihao bloggers, 

Today I will give my review on Amorangi & Millie’s travel through time. I really liked the set out and how the characters advanced the story very well, My favourite part of the book is when Amorangi and Ria travelled through time to find Amorangi’s mum. 

Did you like the book? and if you did what was your favourite part?

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Our Rubbish Pick Up Trip!

Kia ora, on 14/9/23 we did a rubbish pick up. We walked around the school and picked all types of rubbish, We found hoodies, glass cans and undies. We had lots of fun and we also got to play on a playground! Overall we picked up lots of rubbish and had a good walk.

Here are some photos

Have you done a rubbish pick up?

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It was beemazing!

Kia ora,

Today we had Sean come in from the Auckland council to talk about beeswax. 

We learned how we can reduce our plastic usage. We also learned that beeswax wraps are the best way to reduce our landfill, instead of using plastic we can use beeswax wraps. The good thing about beeswax wraps is that we can recycle instead of putting it in the landfill like plastic.

Heres a photo of the beeswax we used


 What I found really interesting is that honey can never expire. For example, if you leave honey for a couple of months and check it again you will see that it stays the same as before.

I enjoyed making the beeswax wraps because i like ironing the beeswax and It was fun lining up the beeswax on the cloth

Have you made a wrap?

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Amorangi & Millie Ponder 8

Kia Ora,

If I could create an animal, I would mix together Cat, A Snake &  Shark. I would call it a Catchnark. The special power my animal would have is being able to turn into a human sized snake which would have big teeth and very stealthy.

here’s my chimera

If you could create an animal, what would it be?

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How Fireworks work!

Kia ora, 

This week we have been learning about how a firework works. 

Our first experiment was about oil and water and how they sat in a tight place. 

The fizz tablet was solid and mixed with the water which is a liquid. The solid and the liquid combined to make a gas just like a lava lamp.

Our second experiment was us lighting a candle and observing it on the wick.

We talked about how the wick didn’t burn because the vapour acted as protection from the flame. 

We covered the flame with a glass cup and it burned out the flame, this is because for fire to expand its needs three things. O2, fuel and heat. By covering the flame it limited its O2 and it burned out.

This was I last experiment about fireworks. We were lighting another candle up but this time we had different chemicals, Copper Sulphate, Calcium chloride, potassium chloride and strontium chloride. 

We put the chemicals over the fire and watched as the fire changed colours due to the different chemicals.   

Here are the results

We were Wowed.

Have you done science?

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Amorangi & Mille Ponder 4

Hello reader, today I will answer this question.

I would like to experience a toy called marble run. Its were you build plastic courses for the marbles to travel through while racing other marbles. 

What would you like to experience if you could travel back in time. 

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My Filming Experience.

Kia Ora, today i will be sharing my film experience with you.

Our group is called Karlo, it stands for Keilah, Artem, Raika, Louie & Oscar. Our film is called Masked Starvation. Its about a poor family who needs food and their dad is trying to get them food. Have you made a film? and if you did whats it about.

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